2012 Walk to End SlaveryWhen: October 6th, 2012.
Where: Director Park. Portland, OR This event began with a short speech from former Multnomah County Commissioner Diane McKeel who spoke about how slavery affects Portland locally. After her inspiring, yet heartbreaking words, the estimated 300 people followed a mile loop around downtown Portland. At right is a video of the YES Board introduction and Commissioner McKeel's speech. Below is a slideshow of pictures taken by Kathy Mitchell. |
Pioneer Place Art
When: Throughout December 2012.
Where: Pioneer Place. Portland, OR With the help of the talented Erin Kwan, Julia Manning, and Emily Pate, the YES Directors created this art installation to depict the supply and demand that keeps human trafficking alive. The figure to the right, which represents the demand-creating consumer, blindly leads the representation of the trafficking victim, whose voice has been silenced by oppression. The words surrounding the victim name some of the numerous factors that have made him or her more vulnerable to being trafficked. These include financial instability, coercion, poverty, lack of education, lack of opportunity, gender inequality, violence, political corruption, etc. |
The installation included a mirror to indicate to the viewer that we are the ones creating the demand for modern day slavery; therefore we have the power to break the chain.
Jesuit High School Social
When: December 2nd, 2012.
Where: Jesuit High School. Portland, OR The Youth Ending Slavery Board of Directors was invited to serve as keynote speakers. The event emphasized the correlation between immigration and human trafficking in the United States, specifically highlighting labor trafficking and agricultural workers. Other speakers included Chris Killmer, Program Manager of the Human Trafficking Department at the Immigration Counseling Service and Francisco Lopez of Causa Oregon. Read a full article here. |